3 Things You Must to do Everyday | By dailyvani


To understand this, let take an example,
 I want to ask that for the best product what is actually necessary ???
   Yes you are right that is Raw Material.
So for Your mind the actual raw material is information to exercise your mind. And you gathering useless information from useless news, shows etc.
The real Raw Material for your mind is to look something good and to listen something good.
The reality shows or any motivational video will motivate only for temporary basis. It will relax you for sometime.
So the question is what type of information should we gather?????
Actually the information which makes you think, The constructive thoughts.
Good information :- जो आपको पास ले आये, सोचने पर मजबूर करे, और बदलने पर मजबूर करे!

2. Do something good for those people who does nothing in return (ऐसे लोगो के लिए कुछ  अच्छा करना जो बदले में कुछ नहीं करे )

To understand these lines takes an example of that you are driving  a vehicle and there are many people who are trying to cross the road but none of the vehicle are not stopping, if you stopped your vehicle than you will get nothing in return rather than a good smile from that person.इसमें आपका क्या गया ?? कुछ नहीं ! गयी तो कुछ सेकण्ड्स ! लकिन बदले में अापको मिली एक smile that touches your heart.
 Value :- जो इंसान अन्दर अच्छा है लोग उससे दिल से जुड़ना चाहेंगे !
               जितना दिल expand होगा उतना ही आपको अच्छा लगेगा !

3 The things you must do

  You have never noticed that from where the thoughts came in our mind. There is also a starting point of thinking or thoughts.To activate this starting point of thinking you must be physically active and mentally Relax. To achieve this state you have to Take deep breadth in with saying that I am Physically active and Breath out by saying that I am mentally relax. You have to do this twice a day before bed at night and after getting up in early morning. And you will find that you are stress free.

Summary:- Collect good information in your mind not garbage.
                   Do something for those who does nothing in return.
                   I am Physically Active and Mentally Relax.
Please do this at one time in your life and you will feel something different.

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