The main difference of Hard Work and Smart Work is Strategy or we can say that Planning.
The strategy is totally based on Reality and Planning is totally based on Understanding ground level situation.
How many of you wanted to start a business?? Many of you start your business with many efforts without examining the actual position. This is hard work. And The Smart Work is the easiest way to do any work and examining and understanding the actual deep position.
Many of you are suffering from lots of life problem.Then the hard work, works to finish the present problem and he do not know that they are similar problem in future also.While the Smart work will finish the life problem from जड़ so the same type of problem not occur again in future. Lets understand this again with an example :- Suppose the world is form of two roads. One is narrow full of people who seeking their success.वे सभी एक दुसरो के ऊपर कूद रहे है और कूचल रहे है !
and the second one is wide as compared to one but there are no people on this.|If you understand I want to say that लोग उसी के पीछे भागते जिसके पीछे public भागती है and that is full of competition.The smart worker will find his way to success in this road where there is no competition and succeed easily in the easiest way.
Smart Work is all about Achieving Maximum results with minimum Efforts.
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