How to control your subconscious Mind????
Please Must read it but i have no knowledge of subconscious mind.Assume you also don't have any information about subconscious mind. Because after you will be totally confused.
To understand it, I took example of two persons out of which one persons is famous and have millions of fan following and other is unknown for you.
Case 1. If the person who millions of fan following say something which may be true or false but you will blindly accept it. Actually your subconscious mind accept it which may be true or false.
Case 2. And the other person who is unknown for you will absolutely say correct but you are not willingly to accept him but when you listen me properly then you accept.Try to understand it carefully.
In this situation, you have done two things, one is Actual Listening and other is Memory Listening. There is Actual Listening Case 2 and Memory Listening in Case 1.Same thing happen in religion.All people accept only that what their religion say but they never tried to understand that the main motive of all religions is only one thing.
Difference Between Conscious and Subconscious Mind
Conscious is that you do yourself with effort. and Subconscious is also done by you but effortless. The main difference of Subconscious and conscious is of feelings. If the action is felt then it conscious and action is not felt then it is subconscious , For example, Digestion is subconscious.If you feel joy doing any work then no one can stop you doing that work.
Formula of Success
Thought + Feelings= Success and you will feel effortless.
When subconscious and conscious mind are properly aligned,
you become unstoppable.
Sandeep Maheswari
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