How to Start a Business ! How to do Business | By dailyvani

Hey Audience!
If I asked about you that how many of you want to start a business. If yes than 90% of you will granted fail. I am not saying this. This is world wide survey that had given this information.

And 50% of will fail because they are not willing to do. At least they do not try.
Remaining 80% of 50% people will fail because they start a business without learning.

  They only focus on Earning not Learning.

To Understand this lets take an example,
      That you have an competition in chess with such a person who is champion in this field and you nothing know about the chess.Try to relate this with the business that in business you are competing with such a person who excellent in this field.

   So the learning is in Present and the Earning is in future.


 Learning is also based on three factors:-

  1. Observation:- Try to observe those people who excellent in business field. The question is what we have to observe??? So we have to observe the actions, thoughts etc.

 2. Understanding:- This is next step after observation. Now we have to try to understand the thoughts and the actions of the person who are expert in business field. We have to understand their business strategy by reading their biographies etc.

 3. Apply:- This is Final Step after observation and understanding in business field. Now what you have learn from observation and understanding, try to implement in your similar business idea or business plan.


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