Why South India better than North India


hey Vishal here

Then you would know where all I have been these are a few of the very stark differences that I have noticed

after all this is just my opinion and my

Observation and love to hear from each and every one of you in the comment section below as well all of you from the east

And the west sorry for ignoring you, but this is about someone else

But I also think that your opinions would be

very objective

And I'd love to hear what you have to say because after all our friends from the North and the south

What they have to say it just might be a little Best

to get a scale of the distance between the northernmost state and the southernmost it's the distance between France and

Nigeria or

Canada to Central Mexico

So if the distance is going to be this much there are bound to be differences even though they belong to the same mother

Yes, there are major differences, especially when it comes to food the churidhar

what is the Kanjivaram Hindustani music versus Carnatic music the lush mountains of the North versus South and plenty of

misconceptions like the color of skin but hey these guys they're from the south(actors) and these guys they are from the North (Bollywood actors) the

difference between the two has a historical foundation and if you take a look at this article

Then you can see that the south of India was colonized very few times

The Chola Kingdom and the early Pandya dynasty they rose for a close to almost housing the Earth

under stable government Sculpture art, Architecture flourished

And that's why if you look at any of the dance or paintings from India the older schools were always found in the south

The North in the Meantime was constantly under attack and different empires

Rule and erase the Previous Empires

contribution when I talk to people I find that they think of India's history in very blanket terms of the British the Mughals the

Marathas the Rajput but from this video

You can see that India especially the North was ruled by many different empires

While the Gangetic plains were fertile they were also easily accessible through the khyber pass the south on the other hand

Equally fertile, but accessible only by boat a lot of the boats that did land there

They were much involved and not led by our means which trade came in the understanding of other cultures

Without having to call them master now

Here's a story that will blow your mind

Especially if you just join the tribe people have a tendency to believe that Islam came from the North

But the very first mosque to have been built in India during Muhammad's lifetime was built right here in

Kerala the King of Kerala had heard of Mohammed and said failed to meet him even

Though he didn't manage to convert to Islam he did promise Muhammad that his people and his followers

Would have a place of worship right here in the south

And that's where the first mosque ever got built in India

This mosque still exists in India so understand that the British did not give us

Christianity and the Mughals did not give us Islam

But it's the merchant vessels that draw these religions to Indian shore

Even though the south did get colonized before the north the British were very focused on Delhi and Bengal. Yes

They did have centers in Madras

But their relationship with the kings of the south with less disruptive than the north

People from the North were constantly moving from one place to another

While those in the south were allowed to stay and their roots were deepened even more now

We all know what happens to deep roots. It makes for the foundation for a really strong tree

Why is it that Kerala and Tamil?

Nadu a spotlessly clean as compared to you UP, MP or Bihar it comes from

Education it comes from culture and it also comes from having a deeper sense of belonging

People from the South are deeply affected if their natural resources are depleted and that is why some of the jungles from the South are?

Richer and Greener compared to the North, the North of India it has two sides to its coin because of the constant

the upheaval that is taking place the energy it's always new there is a

Survival instinct and a warrior spirit that does kick in which makes it a little stronger

So compare America to Europe

It's young new Flashy and always trying to impress in our case Hindi movies with it obviously northern

Influences becomes the barometer for Pop culture in India yes, Southern movies have caught up

But in today's day and age is still easier to watch a Hindi movie in Madurai

Than to try and catch a Tamil movie in Mathura, so I am going to end this video with two points

I could have spoken about women safety and thrown a whole bunch of numbers and figures at you

Yes, it would be a very good barometer of a Society's progress

But at the same time we have to understand that Kerala

It was matriarchial, Women over there are much more educated and therefore more empowered

But honestly this is another whole topic and it could be a whole article by itself because they have more peace

Different religions are able to exist with one another and they're also less suspicious of each one's intentions as compared to the north

You could generalize if you wanted to say that South Indians are geeks and North Indians are loud

But in the comments section let's try and learn from each other

Let's talk about the good and not really focus on the bad after all we're all cousins from the same mother

I'm really looking forward to the conversation that is going to start in that comment section below don't forget

There's all my social media handles that you can reach out to me as well

Like this video, share this article, and I'm going to catch you guys very very soon.

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